Our new facility operates under the

highest manufacturing standards.


Our production facility

Built in 2019 our production facility is perfectly located in the mountain ranges of Czechia, taking advantage of the pure natural spring water and mountain air. It is not only the location that is important, the new facility operates under the highest manufacturing standards for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals (GMP), has a substantial production capacity, full automation capabilities, new development and analytical laboratories, GMP level quality control management systems, advanced controlled warehouses, and state of the art order planning and production management software which enables us to provide fast response to our customer needs.

The quality we provide

All our product development and production is carried out under integrated quality management systems in accordance with the following standards: GMP for pharmaceuticals production, ISO 9001 Quality management system, ISO 22716 Cosmetics – GMP, ISO 13485 Medical devices (Class 1-D, clean rooms) ISO 14001 Environmental management, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system for safe food production.

GMP certified novel food manufacturer that operates under the highest manufacturing standards

Our production process


Our team of pharmacists, chemists and biologists have over 20 years of experience in the formulation and manufacture of high quality natural skin care, cosmetic, medical and veterinary products. Since 2008 we have been at the forefront of formulating and producing broad spectrum hemp and CBD infused skin care and food supplements. We source all of our hemp oil and cannabinoid derivatives (including CBD) from local EU approved plants and accredited GMP laboratories.


With over 200+ product recipes we can provide immediate solutions for shampoos, conditioners, intimate gels, lubricating gels, creams, lotions, pastes, serums and tonics. If needed we can formulate new and unique solutions to meet your customers needs, or simply we can manufacture your existing recipes to the highest available standards.

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